Colin hands over to Kenny

Colin and Kenny

On the 2nd July Colin Beattie handed over to Kenny Fisher as President of Enniskillen Rotary Club for the year 2012-2013. Kenny has been a member of Rotary for ten years and has served on the Club Council since joining and has been Chairman of the Youth Activities Committee for three years, Secretary for three years.

He is looking forward to his year in office and has outlined some of his plans for the coming year.

  • August - Family Treasure Hunt and BBQ
  • September - Chinese Banquet evening in Cookstown
  • September - Charity Breakfast
  • October - Rotary Conference in Galway
  • October - Charity Concert in the Ardhowen Theatre
  • December - Christmas Party
  • February - President's Ball
  • May - President's Weekend Away - Edinburgh

President Kenny presented Roy Crawford and Angela McKinney with their jewels of office being President-elect and Vice-President respectively. Tom Harpur was awarded the title Rotarian of the Year for 2011/2012 and was presented with his trophy by Kenny.

Some photographs from the handover meeting in a Slideshow.

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 2