The Conference took place on 27-29 September in Clontarf Castle Hotel, Dublin, 21 people from Enniskillen attended, which included 11 Rotarians.
On Friday evening we had a meal in Moloughby's Restaurant where we shared the most enjoyable evening of friendship with members of Cork Bishopstown and also in our company was R.I.B.I. President Nan McCreadle and her husband Denis. Once we returned to Clontarf Castle we were entertained by the one and only Tropical Storm.
The Proceedings got under way on Saturday morning at 9.00 am with a full programme of events. We had a very touching interview with John McFarlane who talked about sharing his experiences of living with Post-Polio Syndrome on Survivors in Ireland. We also had a presentation from the GSE Team who went to New Zealand. A number of speakers include - Dr Bruce Aylward, Deputy Director of the World Health Organistion and Mark Maloney spoke on behalf of Rotary International President Ron Burton and finally we had a pre-recorded interview from Bono Lead singer of U2, who is a recipient of a Paul Harris Award. Lastly but not least we had Elaine Bannon, Ciara and Joseph, who did a very moving presentation.
On Sunday morning a number of Rotarians' and partners attended the Interfaith Service. Later that morning awards were presented by Past District Governor Jack in which our club picked up 2 awards followed by Closing Remarks.
The COGS below contains articles on the conference and also pages 34-35 are of interest to Enniskillen Rotary Club.