Enniskillen Rotary Club President Angela McKinney and Past President Kenny Fisher are heading off to The Light of Maasai Charity in the Rombo Region of Kenya at the beginning of September to see the work that is being done by the Charity which was set up by Elaine Bannon in 2006. The charity is continuing to develop water, health and education programmes to the Maasai people in the area.
The Enniskillen Rotary Club has provided £15,000 to help build a Sand Dam in their name and this money has been match funded by Rotary to provide a second dam. Last year Elaine visited the Club along with a little girl called Ciara who was given to Elaine aged one and a half and weighing 5 kilos, she was dying of malnutrition. Ciara was adopted by Elaine and is now a healthy six year old attending a local school. Elaine outlined to the Club members that the ongoing project at that time was Project Ciara which involved building a pipe line to bring water from a bore hole via 20km of pipeline to the local area, rather than having women walk 10 to 15 Km to collect water and carry it back. The pipeline will provide clean drinking water to a population of 10,000 people living in the Rombo District. The Rotary Club presented Elaine with funding totalling £36,500 towards building the water pipeline, and recently the Club handed over another £2,600 towards the Project.
During the visit the two Rotarians along with Angela's daughter Danielle plan to visit the local schools and the health centres in the area, and also see the work going on with the Sand Dams and the water pipeline.